Ryan’s Bored.

-I had a mouse in my apartment. I bought some poison that said “POISON: Do not eat” with a skull and cross bones and everything. I had to keep the box hidden, just in case I had a litterate mouse.

-If you ever have to go shopping for a ski mask and duct tape, I recommend you make your purchases at seperate stores. Not worth the looks the cashier gives you.

-If Top Ramen is a staple of your diet, you have failed somewhere in life.

-I always wonder, if I were to lose my voice, how would I call in sick to work? Would I just show up with a note then go back home?

-I like to think of merry-go-rounds as very redundant tours of the park. Unless you have Alzheimers. Then you wonder how the hell you are going to get back to where you were.

-The only people who perform spoken-word poetry are those that don’t have enough friends to start a band.

-It must be really difficult to be colorblind and in a gang.

-I don’t take cold medication just in case I need to operate heavy machinery that day.

“Hey Ryan, want to drive this forklift?”

“Damn, I just took an Advil”

-I’m glad the speedometer in my car also lists kilometers per hour, just in case I make a wrong turn and end up in Europe.

-Whenever I see a stupid or blatant warning label on something, I realize they put it there because someone has done it.

-My “Boomerang Grenande” invention didn’t go over too well.

-My neighbors complain about my constant drinking and smoking outside. It sucks to live next to a preschool.

-The zoo would be a lot more exciting if it weren’t for all those damn cages.

-I’m not an alcoholic, I am just constantly thirsty and happen to find barstools very comfy.

-When someone calls my phone and says they must have the wrong number, I wonder if maybe it was me that’s had the wrong number all this time.

-I’d like to try the new restaurant that just opened near my house, but I have reservations.

-I bet the people who play the criminals in the America’s Most Wanted re-enactments get the cops called on them a lot.

-When you think about it, almost every product could have one of those “As Seen on TV” labels on it. It shouldn’t just be limited to infomercial products.

-Why don’t people who are concerned with “saving the trees” have any problem with beavers, termites or woodpeckers?

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2 Responses to Ryan’s Bored.

  1. Erin says:

    hahah touche… some of those seem familiar… my personal favorite so far:

    -Whenever I see a stupid or blatant warning label on something, I realize they put it there because someone has done it.

    I think that every time I see a warning on anything… especially on TV… when people yell at the TV saying things like, “Who the hell would be that stupid?!”

    Someone. Someone has.

  2. Megan says:

    Remember, don’t run over your baby with a lawn mower.

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